Býva milým zvykom, že detičky odchádzajúce z jaslí do materskej školy sa lúčia nejakým špeciálnym vystúpením, ktorým sa blysnú pred ockami a maminami... A práve náš vianočný tohtoročný projekt je takou výnimočnou príležitosťou, aby sme sa pred druhými narodeninami spolu navzájom potešili a obdarovali všetkých scrapmaniakov pekným dielkom, ktoré prinesie radosť Vám i Vašim blízkym. Takže vitajte na jasličkárskej vianočnej žúrke ;-)
In a few days,on January 20th, Scrapmania will celebrate its second Birthday. In a pre-school terminology we can say that our warm and lovely place has qualified from a nursery to a kindergarten, lol.
There used to be a nice tradition that little children leaving nursery would say good-bye with some special performance trying to be stars in their parents' eyes.
And right now this year´s Xmas project is such a performance when we, reaching the age of two, are trying to delight you - all scrapmaniacs and the near and dear ones - and are bringing in our wonderful artpiece.
In a few days,on January 20th, Scrapmania will celebrate its second Birthday. In a pre-school terminology we can say that our warm and lovely place has qualified from a nursery to a kindergarten, lol.
There used to be a nice tradition that little children leaving nursery would say good-bye with some special performance trying to be stars in their parents' eyes.
And right now this year´s Xmas project is such a performance when we, reaching the age of two, are trying to delight you - all scrapmaniacs and the near and dear ones - and are bringing in our wonderful artpiece.
Sooo, welcome in our nursery Xmas party.
Tu sú ohromné ločka z nášho collabu.
Here are the layouts using our collab, aren´t they just wonderful?
Na collabe sa podieľali tieto skvelé scrapmaniačky:
This collab was made by these fantastic scrapmania.sk girls
Na každom z blogov (klikni nick vyššie) nájdete jeden link na stiahnutie, len u Julovej nájdete linky dva. Tie, ktoré nemajú vlastný blog, sú smerované na náš hlavný scrapmania blog, kde nájdete časti collabu od Denny a tiež Montany. Keď zozbierate 14 častí, budete mať celý collab a môžete začať scrapovať, wow!
There is one download link on each blog (just click the nicknames above), only Julova has two links. Not all scrapmania girls have their own blogs so their nicknames will head you to our main scrapmania blog, where you´ll find tthe parts of collab by Denny and Montana. If you download 14 parts, you´ll have the complete collab and you can start scrapping, wow!!!
And HERE is my part. Enjoy.